general services
One on one consultation with the doctor with medical examination as needed
Health Screening
Full blood work, radiological imaging, cervical and colorectal screening; our clinic is well equipped to ensure that patients stay informed and in control of their own health.
Screen for Life (SFL)
Screen for Life is a program started by MoH, offering eligible Singapore Citizens screening for chronic illnesses, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer to various age groups at a price of $0-$5. Call in to check your eligibility.
House and Hotel Calls
Contact us for availability and queries.
Consult our doctor through video call in the comfort of your home – medicine can be despatched via courier. Contact us for availability and queries.
Mental Health Consult
Find psychiatric support and treatment for when the going gets tough.
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Our clinic is equipped with a state of the art ECG machine to aid in assessing cardiovascular health, and detection of any abnormalities.
A range of vaccines are available at our clinic, such as HPV, BCG, Influenza vaccines. Give us a call to check for availability. Please note our clinic does not currently provide COVID-19 vaccinations.
Ear Syringing
Otoscope-guided procedure using warm water to dislodge impacted ear wax.
Removal of warts, skin tags and elevated moles via electrosurgery.
Pre-Departure Swab Test
Our clinic provides both PCR and ART swab tests to patients travelling overseas during this pandemic. A digital, notarised memo will be issued via email within 24 hours for immigration, granting ease of travel and peace of mind.
Swab Test (Government Subsidy Scheme)
Patients experiencing COVID symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat) are eligible to be swabbed under a government-subsidy scheme. This scheme provides patients with PCR and ART swabbing and medication as needed.
Patients who have received a text message from MOH prompting them to be swabbed may also come here to be swabbed under this scheme.
Swab Test (Asymptomatic without SMS)
Patients who have not experienced any symptoms, or received any SMS from MOH prompting for a swab may also visit the clinic for a PCR or ART swab.